Mandya Gowdara Mane Mutton Saaru

Well, today is Sunday and once again feast of food specially non-veg ! weekend is only time
we complete family can sit together with all leisurely talk and enjoy food together :)

So most of the weekend will try to come up with lil twist in recipes !!
                              Tangy to tongue ,
                                  Relaxing to mind,
                                   Moment to cherish .. smiley on all's face :)
This weekend we dropped the plan of preparing non-veg, Since my bro had bought a mini market to home with all green veggies.. :) and majority voted for veg food today.. :/

And by 12.00 pm all veg items like curry , greens dhal, Kosambari, side dishes were all ready.

But its Sunday.... as my SIL and ME are ardent lovers of CHICKEN.. :) .. Howz Sunday supper is complete without non-veg dish?? ;)

Yesss.... you got it right..

We started with an idea of cooking Mutton.. ohh ohh wat's special about it? That's wat u thinking??

Its not just mutton curry, but... MANDYA GOWDRU STYLE MUTTON SAARU

Shall we go for the direct recipe...




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